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Kunshan Qianchong Hardware Products Co., Ltd
Kunshan Qianchong Metal Products Co., Ltd. Mr. Liu
Tel.:Mr. Liu 18013282158
Shenzhen Qindeli Hardware Technology Co., Ltd
Tel.: Mr. Chen 15055910889
Tianjin Qianchong Metal Products Co., Ltd
Tel.: Mr. Zhang 13116010576
Wuhan Office of Kunshan Qianchong Hardware Products Co., Ltd
Tel.: Mr. He 18507169159
Kunshan Qianchong Metal Products Co., Ltd. Taipei Office
Tel.: Mr. Zhang 0935810549
Chongqing Office of Kunshan Qianchong Metal Products Co., Ltd
Tel.: Mr. Liu 18671543330
copyright:KunShan QianChong Metal Products Filing No:苏ICP备15035254号-1 技术支持:仕德伟科技